That opportunity presented itself by participating at the AHMRA, American Historic Motorcycle Racing Association, event at Road America June 8 & 9, 2012. Because I’d had so little time on the bike I signed up for the Friday practice day. I noticed the bike was faster than I’d remembered but I also realized that I’d be off the bike for some time as I made several little errors getting comfortable around the track, especially in turn 5. After a few tire pressure adjustments, the bike started behaving better and my comfort level went way up. That is until I was leaned over a little too far in the chacane, the rear stepped out almost causing a high side! From then on I had to get off the seat more to keep the fat part of the tire in contact with the track. Lesson learned!
Saturday, June 9, 2012, Race Day
I decided to go out on the first practice, mainly to make sure the bike was ready to go, loosen me up and try a different line into turn 5. Everything went well so I was ready to race! AHMRA only has one class that my Buell is legal for so I had plenty of time to get hydrated and rested up for only one race. With temperature hovering at 90 degrees, shade and water were my main concerns until first call. Battle of the Twins - Formula 2 Race My class had a large field with 14 bikes and four other classes lined up behind us. I got a good start, immediately getting by several guys. Lap 2, I was moving up in the field but blew turn 5, ending up in the gravel but managed to keep it up but lost everything I’d gained. Through laps 3 - 5 I played catch up through the slower classes and managed to run down a few of the guys in my class. Last lap I was running well until a missed shift in Canada Corner caused me to run off track, tuck the front and end up in a low side crash into the gravel trap. Rats!!!
Fortunately the bike came through it with only a few scuffs and a bent handlebar. I got some road rash on my knee and shoulder from sliding inside my leathers, it didn’t look bad and after a brief trip to medical where they patched me up and I was

I ran the Go-Pro camera during the race, if you'd like to view it, check out this link